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Text File | 1992-02-05 | 66.0 KB | 1,811 lines |
- Cross Assemblers (Series I) Cross Assemblers (Series I)
- Version 2.20 Version 2.20
- Micept Instruments Inc.
- 377 Julien St.
- Cap De La Madeleine, PQ
- Canada G8T 6W6
- Micept Instruments Inc. disclaims all warranties as to this
- software and the documentation, whether express or implied,
- including, without limitation, any implied warranties of
- merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. Micept
- Instruments Inc. assumes no liability for damages, direct or
- consequential, which may results from the use of this software or
- the documentation.
- Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 by Micept Instruments Inc.
- This version of the software is distributed as shareware. This
- version may be freely copied and distributed for evaluation
- purposes as long as NO FEE IS CHARGE FOR USE, COPYING OR
- The entire package, consisting of the main programs,
- documentation file and various utility files are all copyright
- (C) 1991, 1992 by Micept Instruments Inc. All rights reserved.
- Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
- Zilog and Z80 are registered trademarks of Zilog Inc.
- MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- IBM, PC, XT, AT are trademarks of International Business Machines
- Corporation.
- All brand and product names are trademarks or registered
- trademarks of their respective companies.
- 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
- 2. INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
- 3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
- 4. FILES IN THE PACKAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
- 5. FORMAT OF COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- 6. COMMAND LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- 6.1 Invocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- 6.2 Options in more details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- 6.3 Error codes returned to DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
- 6.4 Object code file formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
- 6.5 Environment variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
- 7. SOURCE LINE FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
- Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- Opcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- Operand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- 8. EXPRESSIONS IN THE OPERAND FIELD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- 8.1 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- 8.2 Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- Numeric constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- Character constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- The location counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- 8.3 Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- 8.4 How expressions are evaluated . . . . . . . . . . . 9
- 9. ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
- ACLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
- DB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- DW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- END . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- EQU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- LLEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- NOACLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- NOLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- ORG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- PLEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- REDEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- RSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- RSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- TITLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) iii
- 10.1 Intel 8044 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- 10.2 Intel 8048 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
- 10.3 Intel 8051/52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
- 10.4 Intel 8080 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
- 10.5 Intel 8085 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- 10.6 Intel 8096 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- 10.7 Zilog Z80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- 11. BUG REPORTING PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- 12. UPDATE POLICY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- 13. REGISTRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
- APPENDIX A - EXPANDED VERSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
- ORDERING INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
- ORDER FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
- INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 1
- This software are shareware distributed versions of high quality
- Macro Cross Assemblers which you get when you register. These
- versions however do not support macros, conditional assembly and
- included files like their expanded versions do. This software are
- basic two-pass assemblers for the Intel 8051/52, 8044, 8048,
- 8080, 8085, 8096 and the Zilog Z80 microprocessors.
- These powerful cross assemblers for the MS-DOS operating system
- support the complete instruction set and a complete set of
- directives. They also support the 8051/52 and 8044 special
- function registers and their assigned bit names. These assemblers
- can produce formatted listing files and object code in both the
- Intel Hex and the Motorola Hex formats.
- The supported assembler directives are the same as the ones used
- by the microprocessor manufacturers, but you can customized them
- to your liking using the REDEF directive.
- Make a working copy of your disk, using the COPY or DISKCOPY
- utility supplied with MS-DOS. Save the original disk for backup.
- No particular installation is required except that you have to
- copy the executable files you will need to the disk you are going
- to use.
- - IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible computer
- - DOS 2.0 or later
- - 256K Bytes of RAM required (more for bigger symbol table)
- README#1 The file containing the latest information
- ORDER#1.FRM The file containing the ready to print
- registration form
- MCASM#1.DOC This file !
- MA44.EXE The executable file of the 8044 Cross
- Assembler
- MA48.EXE The executable file of the 8048 Cross
- Assembler
- MA51.EXE The executable file of the 8051/52 Cross
- Assembler
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 2
- MA80.EXE The executable file of the 8080 Cross
- Assembler
- MA85.EXE The executable file of the 8085 Cross
- Assembler
- MA96.EXE The executable file of the 8096 Cross
- Assembler
- MAZ80.EXE The executable file of the Z80 Cross
- Assembler
- The following rules are used in this manual:
- 1. Words in capital letters are keywords and must be
- entered as shown. They may be entered in uppercase or
- lowercase characters.
- 2. Items in square brackets ([]) are optional.
- 3. Symbolic fields are enclosed in < >.
- 4. An ellipsis (...) indicates that an item may be
- repeated as many time as you wish.
- 5. All punctuation, except the one mentioned before, must
- be included where shown.
- 6. xxx is a two or three character string representing the
- microprocessor identification.
- This string is:
- 44 : for the Intel 8044 microprocessor
- 48 : for the Intel 8048 microprocessor
- 51 : for the Intel 8051/52 microprocessor
- 80 : for the Intel 8080 microprocessor
- 85 : for the Intel 8085 microprocessor
- 96 : for the Intel 8096 microprocessor
- Z80 : for the Zilog Z80 microprocessor
- 6.1 Invocation
- These assemblers can be invoked as follow:
- MAxxx [<options>] <sourcefile> [<objfile> [<listfile>]]
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 3
- Where <options> can be one or more of the following
- separated by spaces:
- -l : Produce a listing file
- -o : Produce NO object file
- -t : Produce NO symbol table in the listing
- -m : Produce object in Motorola Hex
- -q : Quiet mode
- -p<n> : Set listing page length (in lines per page)
- -w<n> : Set listing width (in characters per line)
- -r<n> : Set object record size (in bytes)
- -x : Use extended special function register set for 8052
- -c : Produce complete object in listing for long constants
- <sourcefile> : Source file name. Default extension ".xxx".
- <objfile> : Object file name. Default extension ".OBJ".
- <listfile> : Listing file name. Default extension ".LST".
- If the assembler is invoked with an error in the command
- line, a help screen is displayed on the console.
- For <objfile> and <listfile>, if no name is specified, the
- source file name with the default extensions will be used
- and the files will be created in the current directory.
- 6.2 Options in more details
- c - Complete object code in listing for long constants.
- This is used to see all object codes generated by long
- constants, like strings and series of data. A source
- line may then generate more than one line in the
- listing because only a few object codes can be written
- on one line of listing.
- l - Listing file. This option enables the output to a
- listing file. The listing produced has page headers and
- footers inserted at appropriate intervals. Even when
- the option is invoked, the output to the listing file
- will be controlled by the LIST and NOLIST directives.
- m - Motorola Hex format. This option causes the object file
- to be produced in the Motorola Hex format rather than
- the default Intel Hex format.
- o - Object file disabled. This option suppresses the output
- to an object file.
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 4
- p - Page length. This option sets the number of lines per
- page in the listing file. When a listing file is
- produced, since page headers and footers are inserted,
- a page length is required. If this option, immediately
- followed by a numeric constant, is invoked, the page
- length will be set to that value. The value must be
- between 20 and 120 or it will be ignored. Even when
- this option is invoked, the page length may be set
- again anywhere in the file by the PLEN directive. The
- default page length is 66 lines.
- q - Quiet mode. This option turns off the display of line
- numbers during assembly. Normally a running count,
- incremented by 50s, of the numbers of lines being
- assembled is displayed on the console.
- r - Record size in the object file. This option sets the
- number of bytes in each object file record. The number
- selected is the number of counted bytes in the selected
- format. The number must be between 8 and 255 or it will
- be ignored. If the m option is invoked, the r option
- must appear after it in the command line to have any
- effect. The default record size in Intel Hex is 24. The
- default record size in Motorola Hex is 27.
- t - Table of symbols suppressed in the listing file. This
- option suppresses the output of the symbol table in the
- listing file. Of course if output to the listing file
- is disabled at the end of the listing, the symbol table
- will not appear at the end of the listing file anyway.
- w - Width of the listing file. This option sets the number
- of characters per line in the listing file. If this
- option, immediately followed by a numeric constant, is
- invoked, the line length will be set to that value. The
- value must be between 60 and 132 or it will be ignored.
- Even when this option is invoked, the line length may
- be set again anywhere in the file by the LLEN
- directive. The default line length is 80 characters.
- x - Extended special function register set. This option
- allows the use of the extended special function
- register set and the extended special function register
- bit set of the 8052 microprocessor.
- Note: Each option must be preceded by a dash (-) in the
- command line, to distinguish it from a file name.
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 5
- 6.3 Error codes returned to DOS
- Condition Error code
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Normal completion, without errors 0
- Normal completion, with assembly errors 1
- Abnormal completion, insufficient memory 2
- Abnormal completion, file access error 3
- 6.4 Object code file formats
- Each assembler supports two object file formats:
- 1. Intel Hex
- 2. Motorola Hex (S1-S9)
- 6.5 Environment variable
- Each assembler environment can be customized by the use of an
- environment variable. The variable, if set, will specify the
- default command line options. The options specified in that
- variable will not replace but be added to the options invoked in
- the command line. Options are specified in the same manner as if
- they were invoked in the command line. The setting of this
- variable can be automatically done if the set command is placed
- in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- The variable is called MAxxxOPT and can be set by the following
- command:
- set MAxxxOPT=-l -m -r10h
- That command would invoked the l, m and r options each time the
- assembler is invoked.
- Note: Any error in this environment variable will be ignored.
- Lines in the source file consist of up to four fields, as
- follows:
- [Label] [Opcode] [Operand] [Comment]
- Each line of the file may be up to 256 characters long. An
- arbitrary number of white space (spaces or tabs) must
- separate each field.
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 6
- Label:
- Labels are symbols and follow the same rules. If a label
- starts in the first column, it must be terminated with at
- least one white space (space or tab) or the end of the line
- but it may follow the rules of a label starting in any other
- column. If a label starts in any other column, it must be
- terminated with a colon (:) followed with at least one white
- space (space or tab) or the end of the line. The ending
- colon is never part of the symbol.
- A line may consist of a label alone. With a normal
- instruction mnemonic the assembler assign a value to the
- label equal to the current location counter.
- Opcode:
- The operand field contains the instruction mnemonic or the
- assembler directive that is to be performed. This field must
- not start in the first column.
- Operand:
- The operand field may or may not be required, depending on
- the opcode or directive being assembled. If present, this
- field will contain a certain number of operand, separated by
- commas. There must not be any white space (space or tab)
- between these operand.
- Comment:
- The optional comment field is used for annotation purposes.
- This field is ignored by the assembler, but is included in
- the listing. A semicolon (;) is used by the assembler to
- designate the beginning of a comment and it can be used
- anywhere in the line, including in the first column for a
- stand-alone comment.
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 7
- Expressions are combinations of constants, symbols, operators and
- parentheses that are evaluated as an integer value.
- 8.1 Symbols
- Symbols are strings of characters that contain letters (A-Z,
- a-z), numbers (0-9), points (.) and underscores (_) but they
- must begin with a letter. A symbol may be of any length, but
- only the first 8 characters are significant and will be
- listed in the symbol table. Since all lowercase letter will
- be converted to uppercase, symbols which are capitalized
- differently will be the same. A symbol can not be a reserved
- word.
- examples: LOOP
- loop_2
- key.buffer
- The reserved words are the one representing:
- - the mnemonics and assembler directives.
- - the microprocessor's registers.
- 8.2 Constants
- Numeric constants:
- Numeric constants must always begin with a decimal digit.
- The radix is determine by a letter immediately following the
- number according to the following table:
- Format Suffix
- ---------------------------
- Binary B
- Octal O or Q
- Decimal D or nothing
- Hexadecimal H
- examples: 10010001b
- 7774Q
- 17O
- 18d
- 255
- 6fh
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 8
- 0FEH
- Character constants:
- A character constant consists of one ASCII character
- surrounded by single quote marks (').
- Note: To put a single quote mark into a character
- constant, two consecutive single quotes may be
- used to represent one such character.
- examples: 'a'
- '*'
- ''''
- The location counter:
- The current value of the location counter can be used in an
- expression. It is represented by the dollar character ($).
- 8.3 Operators
- The operators allowed in expressions are shown, in the
- following table, in descending order of precedence:
- Order Operator Type Description
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- 1. () expression parentheses
- 2. - unary unary negative
- ~ one's complement
- 3. & binary bitwise AND
- ! bitwise OR
- ^ bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR
- 4. * multiplicative multiplication
- / division
- % remainder
- 5. + additive addition
- - subtraction
- 6. << shift shift left
- >> shift right
- 7. = relational equal
- < less than
- > greater than
- <= less than or equal
- >= greater than or equal
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 9
- 8.4 How expressions are evaluated
- In an expression parenthetical expressions are evaluated
- first, the innermost parentheses before the outer ones.
- Next, operations involving higher precedence operators are
- done first. Where several operators have the same precedence
- they are evaluated from left to right except for unary
- operators which are evaluated from right to left. All
- intermediate values are truncated to a 16-bit integer value.
- The result of the expression is also a 16-bit integer value.
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Assembly Control
- ORG Set assembly origin
- END End of source
- REDEF Redefine an assembler directive
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Symbol Definition
- EQU Equate symbol value
- SET Set symbol value (temporary)
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Memory Allocation
- DB Define constant byte(s)
- DW Define constant word(s)
- RSB Reserve storage for byte(s)
- RSW Reserve storage for word(s)
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Listing Control
- TITLE Set title of page(s)
- LLEN Set line length (characters per line)
- PLEN Set page length (lines per page)
- PAGE Advance to top of next page
- LIST List the assembly
- NOLIST Do not list the assembly
- ACLIST List all object codes for long constants
- NOACLIST Do not list all object codes
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Note: Some of these directives have a different name with
- each microprocessor, so consult the special section on
- the microprocessor you are using.
- Purpose: This directive restores the listing of the
- complete object code for long constants.
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 10
- Format: ACLIST
- DB
- Purpose: This directive allocates and initializes one or
- more bytes.
- Format: [<label>] DB <expression>[,<expression>...]
- Remarks: <expression> must be an 8-bit integer value or a
- string surrounded by single quote marks (').
- DW
- Purpose: This directive allocates and initializes one or
- more words.
- Format: [<label>] DW <expression>[,<expression>...]
- Remarks: <expression> must be a 16-bit integer value.
- Purpose: This directive designates the end of the source
- file.
- Format: END
- Remarks: No line in the source file will be read after this
- directive.
- Purpose: This directive assigns the value of <expression>
- to <label>.
- Format: <label> EQU <expression>
- Remarks: The <label> entry can not be redefined.
- Purpose: This directive restores the output in the listing.
- Format: LIST
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 11
- Remarks: If a listing is not being made, this directive
- will start one.
- Purpose: This directive sets the number of characters per
- line, in the listing, to the value of
- <expression>.
- Format: LLEN <expression>
- Remarks: The number of characters per line must be between
- 60 and 132. The default is 80 characters per line.
- Purpose: This directive suppresses the listing of the
- complete object code for long constants.
- Format: NOACLIST
- Purpose: This directive suppresses the output in the
- listing.
- Format: NOLIST
- Purpose: This directive sets the location counter to the
- value of <expression>.
- Format: ORG <expression>
- Remarks: <expression> must not involved any forward
- references.
- Purpose: This directive starts a new page in the listing.
- Format: PAGE
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 12
- Purpose: This directive sets the number of lines per page,
- in the listing, to the value of <expression>.
- Format: PLEN <expression>
- Remarks: The number of lines per page must be between 20
- and 120. The default is 66 characters per line.
- The first and the last 3 lines of the page are
- left blank. The fourth and fifth line are used for
- the date, page number and page title.
- Purpose: This directive redefines the <directive> assembler
- directive to the <directive2> directive.
- Format: REDEF <directive>,<directive2>
- Remarks: This allows you to change the name of each and
- every directive to satisfy your particular source
- file needs. You can also use it to make your own
- set of universal directives.
- Purpose: This directive reserves a block of <expression>
- byte(s) for storage.
- Format: [<label>] RSB <expression>
- Remarks: The number of bytes reserved must be between 1 and
- 32767.
- Purpose: This directive reserves a block of <expression>
- word(s) for storage.
- Format: [<label>] RSW <expression>
- Remarks: The number of words reserved must be between 1 and
- 16383.
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 13
- Purpose: This directive assigns the value of <expression>
- to <label>.
- Format: <label> SET <expression>
- Remarks: The <label> entry can be redefined.
- Purpose: This directive sets the title of the current and
- following page(s) to the <text> string.
- Format: TITLE <text>
- Remarks: <text> is truncated to the first 60 characters.
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 14
- 10.1 Intel 8044
- The reserved words in this assembler are:
- A, AB, C, DPTR, R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7
- Special Function Registers:
- The 8044 has Special Function Registers. These constants are
- words representing the 8044 microprocessor registers
- accessible through the use of their addresses in the on-chip
- RAM.
- These are predefined in this assembler:
- ACC, B, PSW, SP, DPL, DPH, P0, P1, P2, P3, IP, IE, TMOD,
- Special Function Register Bits:
- These Special Function Registers have bits which are
- directly accessible. These constants are words representing
- the 8044 microprocessor register bits accessible through the
- use of their addresses in the on-chip RAM.
- These are predefined in the assembler:
- SFR bit Description
- ---------------------
- P PSW bit 0
- OV PSW bit 2
- RS0 PSW bit 3
- RS1 PSW bit 4
- F0 PSW bit 5
- AC PSW bit 6
- CY PSW bit 7
- EX0 IE bit 0
- ET0 IE bit 1
- EX1 IE bit 2
- ET1 IE bit 3
- ES IE bit 4
- ET2 IE bit 5
- EA IE bit 7
- PX0 IP bit 0
- PT0 IP bit 1
- PX1 IP bit 2
- PT1 IP bit 3
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 15
- PS IP bit 4
- PT2 IP bit 5
- IT0 TCON bit 0
- IE0 TCON bit 1
- IT1 TCON bit 2
- IE1 TCON bit 3
- TR0 TCON bit 4
- TF0 TCON bit 5
- TR1 TCON bit 6
- TF1 TCON bit 7
- ACC.0 Accumulator bit 0
- ACC.1 Accumulator bit 1
- ACC.2 Accumulator bit 2
- ACC.3 Accumulator bit 3
- ACC.4 Accumulator bit 4
- ACC.5 Accumulator bit 5
- ACC.6 Accumulator bit 6
- ACC.7 Accumulator bit 7
- B.0 Register B bit 0
- B.1 Register B bit 1
- B.2 Register B bit 2
- B.3 Register B bit 3
- B.4 Register B bit 4
- B.5 Register B bit 5
- B.6 Register B bit 6
- B.7 Register B bit 7
- PSW.0 PSW bit 0
- PSW.1 PSW bit 1
- PSW.2 PSW bit 2
- PSW.3 PSW bit 3
- PSW.4 PSW bit 4
- PSW.5 PSW bit 5
- PSW.6 PSW bit 6
- PSW.7 PSW bit 7
- P0.0 Port 0 bit 0
- P0.1 Port 0 bit 1
- P0.2 Port 0 bit 2
- P0.3 Port 0 bit 3
- P0.4 Port 0 bit 4
- P0.5 Port 0 bit 5
- P0.6 Port 0 bit 6
- P0.7 Port 0 bit 7
- P1.0 Port 1 bit 0
- P1.1 Port 1 bit 1
- P1.2 Port 1 bit 2
- P1.3 Port 1 bit 3
- P1.4 Port 1 bit 4
- P1.5 Port 1 bit 5
- P1.6 Port 1 bit 6
- P1.7 Port 1 bit 7
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 16
- P2.0 Port 2 bit 0
- P2.1 Port 2 bit 1
- P2.2 Port 2 bit 2
- P2.3 Port 2 bit 3
- P2.4 Port 2 bit 4
- P2.5 Port 2 bit 5
- P2.6 Port 2 bit 6
- P2.7 Port 2 bit 7
- P3.0 Port 3 bit 0
- P3.1 Port 3 bit 1
- P3.2 Port 3 bit 2
- P3.3 Port 3 bit 3
- P3.4 Port 3 bit 4
- P3.5 Port 3 bit 5
- P3.6 Port 3 bit 6
- P3.7 Port 3 bit 7
- IP.0 IP bit 0
- IP.1 IP bit 1
- IP.2 IP bit 2
- IP.3 IP bit 3
- IP.4 IP bit 4
- IP.5 IP bit 5
- IP.6 IP bit 6
- IP.7 IP bit 7
- IE.0 IE bit 0
- IE.1 IE bit 1
- IE.2 IE bit 2
- IE.3 IE bit 3
- IE.4 IE bit 4
- IE.5 IE bit 5
- IE.6 IE bit 6
- IE.7 IE bit 7
- TCON.0 TCON bit 0
- TCON.1 TCON bit 1
- TCON.2 TCON bit 2
- TCON.3 TCON bit 3
- TCON.4 TCON bit 4
- TCON.5 TCON bit 5
- TCON.6 TCON bit 6
- TCON.7 TCON bit 7
- RBP STS bit 0
- AM STS bit 1
- CPB STS bit 2
- BV STS bit 3
- SI STS bit 4
- RTS STS bit 5
- RE STS bit 6
- TBF STS bit 7
- SER NSNR bit 0
- NR0 NSNR bit 1
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 17
- NR1 NSNR bit 2
- NR2 NSNR bit 3
- SES NSNR bit 4
- NS0 NSNR bit 5
- NS1 NSNR bit 6
- NS2 NSNR bit 7
- STS.0 STS bit 0
- STS.1 STS bit 1
- STS.2 STS bit 2
- STS.3 STS bit 3
- STS.4 STS bit 4
- STS.5 STS bit 5
- STS.6 STS bit 6
- STS.7 STS bit 7
- NSNR.0 NSNR bit 0
- NSNR.1 NSNR bit 1
- NSNR.2 NSNR bit 2
- NSNR.3 NSNR bit 3
- NSNR.4 NSNR bit 4
- NSNR.5 NSNR bit 5
- NSNR.6 NSNR bit 6
- NSNR.7 NSNR bit 7
- Note: Consult a data book on the 8044 microprocessor
- architecture for more details on the special function
- registers.
- Assembler directives:
- For this microprocessor, the standard assembler directives
- have been predefined as following:
- DATA instead of EQU
- DB
- DW
- DS instead of RSB
- DSW instead of RSW
- 10.2 Intel 8048
- The reserved words in this assembler are:
- A, R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, @R0, @R1, BUS, P1, P2,
- P4, P5, P6, P7, C, F0, F1, I, TCNTI, CLK, @A, PSW, T, MB0,
- MB1, RB0, RB1, TCNT, CNT
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 18
- Assembler directives:
- For this microprocessor, the standard assembler directives
- have been predefined as following:
- DATA instead of EQU
- DB
- DW
- DS instead of RSB
- RSW is not supported, because it is not necessary
- 10.3 Intel 8051/52
- The reserved words in this assembler are:
- A, AB, C, DPTR, R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7
- Special Function Registers:
- The 8051 has Special Function Registers. These constants are
- words representing the 8051 microprocessor registers
- accessible through the use of their addresses in the on-chip
- RAM.
- These are predefined in this assembler:
- ACC, B, PSW, SP, DPL, DPH, P0, P1, P2, P3, IP, IE, TMOD,
- If the extended special function register set option is
- invoked (x option), the 8052 microprocessor additional
- special function registers are also predefined in the
- assembler.
- These are:
- Special Function Register Bits:
- These Special Function Registers have bits which are
- directly accessible. These constants are words representing
- the 8051 microprocessor register bits accessible through the
- use of their addresses in the on-chip RAM.
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 19
- These are predefined in the assembler:
- SFR bit Description
- ---------------------
- P PSW bit 0
- OV PSW bit 2
- RS0 PSW bit 3
- RS1 PSW bit 4
- F0 PSW bit 5
- AC PSW bit 6
- CY PSW bit 7
- EX0 IE bit 0
- ET0 IE bit 1
- EX1 IE bit 2
- ET1 IE bit 3
- ES IE bit 4
- ET2 IE bit 5
- EA IE bit 7
- PX0 IP bit 0
- PT0 IP bit 1
- PX1 IP bit 2
- PT1 IP bit 3
- PS IP bit 4
- PT2 IP bit 5
- IT0 TCON bit 0
- IE0 TCON bit 1
- IT1 TCON bit 2
- IE1 TCON bit 3
- TR0 TCON bit 4
- TF0 TCON bit 5
- TR1 TCON bit 6
- TF1 TCON bit 7
- RI SCON bit 0
- TI SCON bit 1
- RB8 SCON bit 2
- TB8 SCON bit 3
- REN SCON bit 4
- SM2 SCON bit 5
- SM1 SCON bit 6
- SM0 SCON bit 7
- RXD Port 3 bit 0
- TXD Port 3 bit 1
- INT0 Port 3 bit 2
- INT1 Port 3 bit 3
- T0 Port 3 bit 4
- T1 Port 3 bit 5
- WR Port 3 bit 6
- RD Port 3 bit 7
- ACC.0 Accumulator bit 0
- ACC.1 Accumulator bit 1
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 20
- ACC.2 Accumulator bit 2
- ACC.3 Accumulator bit 3
- ACC.4 Accumulator bit 4
- ACC.5 Accumulator bit 5
- ACC.6 Accumulator bit 6
- ACC.7 Accumulator bit 7
- B.0 Register B bit 0
- B.1 Register B bit 1
- B.2 Register B bit 2
- B.3 Register B bit 3
- B.4 Register B bit 4
- B.5 Register B bit 5
- B.6 Register B bit 6
- B.7 Register B bit 7
- PSW.0 PSW bit 0
- PSW.1 PSW bit 1
- PSW.2 PSW bit 2
- PSW.3 PSW bit 3
- PSW.4 PSW bit 4
- PSW.5 PSW bit 5
- PSW.6 PSW bit 6
- PSW.7 PSW bit 7
- P0.0 Port 0 bit 0
- P0.1 Port 0 bit 1
- P0.2 Port 0 bit 2
- P0.3 Port 0 bit 3
- P0.4 Port 0 bit 4
- P0.5 Port 0 bit 5
- P0.6 Port 0 bit 6
- P0.7 Port 0 bit 7
- P1.0 Port 1 bit 0
- P1.1 Port 1 bit 1
- P1.2 Port 1 bit 2
- P1.3 Port 1 bit 3
- P1.4 Port 1 bit 4
- P1.5 Port 1 bit 5
- P1.6 Port 1 bit 6
- P1.7 Port 1 bit 7
- P2.0 Port 2 bit 0
- P2.1 Port 2 bit 1
- P2.2 Port 2 bit 2
- P2.3 Port 2 bit 3
- P2.4 Port 2 bit 4
- P2.5 Port 2 bit 5
- P2.6 Port 2 bit 6
- P2.7 Port 2 bit 7
- P3.0 Port 3 bit 0
- P3.1 Port 3 bit 1
- P3.2 Port 3 bit 2
- P3.3 Port 3 bit 3
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 21
- P3.4 Port 3 bit 4
- P3.5 Port 3 bit 5
- P3.6 Port 3 bit 6
- P3.7 Port 3 bit 7
- IP.0 IP bit 0
- IP.1 IP bit 1
- IP.2 IP bit 2
- IP.3 IP bit 3
- IP.4 IP bit 4
- IP.5 IP bit 5
- IP.6 IP bit 6
- IP.7 IP bit 7
- IE.0 IE bit 0
- IE.1 IE bit 1
- IE.2 IE bit 2
- IE.3 IE bit 3
- IE.4 IE bit 4
- IE.5 IE bit 5
- IE.6 IE bit 6
- IE.7 IE bit 7
- TCON.0 TCON bit 0
- TCON.1 TCON bit 1
- TCON.2 TCON bit 2
- TCON.3 TCON bit 3
- TCON.4 TCON bit 4
- TCON.5 TCON bit 5
- TCON.6 TCON bit 6
- TCON.7 TCON bit 7
- SCON.0 SCON bit 0
- SCON.1 SCON bit 1
- SCON.2 SCON bit 2
- SCON.3 SCON bit 3
- SCON.4 SCON bit 4
- SCON.5 SCON bit 5
- SCON.6 SCON bit 6
- SCON.7 SCON bit 7
- If the extended special function register set option is
- invoked (x option), the 8052 microprocessor additional
- special function register bits are also predefined in the
- assembler.
- These are:
- SFR bit Description
- ---------------------
- CPRL2 T2CON bit 0
- CT2 T2CON bit 1
- TR2 T2CON bit 2
- EXEN2 T2CON bit 3
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 22
- TCLK T2CON bit 4
- RCLK T2CON bit 5
- EXF2 T2CON bit 6
- TF2 T2CON bit 7
- T2CON.0 T2CON bit 0
- T2CON.1 T2CON bit 1
- T2CON.2 T2CON bit 2
- T2CON.3 T2CON bit 3
- T2CON.4 T2CON bit 4
- T2CON.5 T2CON bit 5
- T2CON.6 T2CON bit 6
- T2CON.7 T2CON bit 7
- Note: Consult a data book on the 8051, 8052 microprocessor
- architectures for more details on the special
- function registers.
- Assembler directives:
- For this microprocessor, the standard assembler directives
- have been predefined as following:
- DATA instead of EQU
- DB
- DW
- DS instead of RSB
- DSW instead of RSW
- 10.4 Intel 8080
- The reserved words in this assembler are:
- A, B, C, D, E, H, L, M, BC, DE, HL, SP
- Assembler directives:
- For this microprocessor, the standard assembler directives
- have been predefined as following:
- DB
- DW
- DS instead of RSB
- RSW is not supported, because it is not necessary
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 23
- 10.5 Intel 8085
- The reserved words in this assembler are:
- A, B, C, D, E, H, L, M, BC, DE, HL, SP
- Assembler directives:
- For this microprocessor, the standard assembler directives
- have been predefined as following:
- DB
- DW
- DS instead of RSB
- RSW is not supported, because it is not necessary
- 10.6 Intel 8096
- There are no reserved words in this assembler.
- Assembler directives:
- For this microprocessor, the standard assembler directives
- have been predefined as following:
- DCB instead of DB
- DCW instead of DW
- DSB instead of RSB
- DSW instead of RSW
- 10.7 Zilog Z80
- The reserved words in this assembler are:
- A, B, C, D, E, H, L, BC, DE, HL, SP, IX, IY, M, NC, NZ, Z,
- P, PE, PO, AF, I, R
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 24
- Assembler directives:
- For this microprocessor, the standard assembler directives
- have been predefined as following:
- DEFB instead of DB
- DEFW instead of DW
- DEFL instead of SET
- DEFS instead of RSB
- RSW is not supported, because it is not necessary
- Although each software is extensively tested prior to release, no
- software is perfect and may contain a few bugs. It is the
- intention of Micept Instruments Inc. to correct any genuine
- problem that will be considered as a problem by the company,
- although this is not a warranty that any problem will be
- corrected.
- If you have any comments or suggestions, please send them to the
- following address or mail them to us on CompuServe.
- If you think you have found a bug in this software, please take
- the time to report it. Any report will be helpful, but you should
- follow these directions:
- 1. Provide the name and version of the software.
- 2. Provide a brief description of the problem and provide
- a copy or listing of the problem source file. Please
- try to isolate the problem area in the source and only
- provide that part of the source file.
- 3. Send it to: Micept Instruments Inc. CIS:[72130,2513]
- 377 Julien St.
- Cap De La Madeleine, PQ
- Canada G8T 6W6
- Micept Instruments Inc. will not notify users of new version
- releases as improvements are made constantly. If registered users
- would like to keep current they may send us their original
- distribution disk (the one with our label) along with payment
- (see order form) to receive the most current version.
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 25
- The registration fee, for each Macro Cross Assembler (one per
- microprocessor) will licence one copy of the expanded version
- that you will receive, for use on any one computer at any one
- time. The printed manual is optional but recommended and includes
- a special section on each of the microprocessors of the series.
- Do not be misled by the very low prices of these Macro Cross
- Assemblers. They are of very high quality, fast and reliable. The
- only reason why we can offer them to you at such a low price, is
- because of the distribution method we have chosen, shareware.
- Site registrations are available (see ordering information and
- order form).
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 26
- Registered users get this expanded version of the software.
- The version supports:
- - up to 16 nested included files
- - up to 16 nested conditional assembly
- - up to 16 nested macros
- - unlimited number of include files
- - unlimited number of macros (limited by memory)
- The expanded directive set includes the following:
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Conditional Assembly
- IF Assemble if not equal to zero
- IFN Assemble if equal to zero
- IFC Assemble if string1 equals string2
- IFNC Assemble if string1 not equal to string2
- ELSE Reverse condition
- ENDIF End of conditional assembly
- FAIL Print error message
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Include files
- INCLUDE Include file
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Macro Directives
- MACRO Define a macro
- ENDM End of macro definition
- EXITM Skip to the end of a macro definition
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Listing Control
- FLIST List false conditions
- FNOLIST Do not list false conditions
- EXPAND Expand macros
- NOEXPAND Do not expand macros
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Cat. Description License
- No. Fee
- ==============================================================
- Series I
- --------------------------------------------
- MA44 Macro Cross Assembler for the Intel 8044 $10.00
- MA48 Macro Cross Assembler for the Intel 8048 $10.00
- MA51 Macro Cross Assembler for the Intel 8051/52 $10.00
- MA80 Macro Cross Assembler for the Intel 8080 $10.00
- MA85 Macro Cross Assembler for the Intel 8085 $10.00
- MA96 Macro Cross Assembler for the Intel 8096 $10.00
- MAZ80 Macro Cross Assembler for the Zilog Z80 $10.00
- SERIES-I Complete series containing the Macro $49.00
- Cross Assemblers for the Intel 8044,
- 8048, 8051/52, 8080, 8085, 8096 and
- the Zilog Z80 (manual not included)
- MANUAL-I Manual for the Macro Cross Assemblers of $20.00
- the series I and containing a special
- section for each of the microprocessors
- Series II
- --------------------------------------------
- MA03 Macro Cross Assembler for the Motorola 6803 $10.00
- MA05 Macro Cross Assembler for the Motorola 6805 $10.00
- MA09 Macro Cross Assembler for the Motorola 6809 $10.00
- MA65 Macro Cross Assembler for the Rockwell 6502 $10.00
- MA65C Macro Cross Assembler for the Rockwell 65C02 $10.00
- MA68 Macro Cross Assembler for the Motorola 6800 $10.00
- SERIES-II Complete series containing the Macro $49.00
- Cross Assemblers for the Motorola 6800,
- 6803, 6805, 6809, and the Rockwell 6502
- and 65C02 (manual not included)
- MANUAL-II Manual for the Macro Cross Assemblers of $20.00
- the series II and containing a special
- section for each of the microprocessors
- Complete package
- --------------------------------------------
- MICRO-8 Package containing all the Macro Cross $119.00
- Assemblers of the series I and series II
- (both manuals included)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Note: The manual is optional but recommended. Only one manual
- is required by series.
- #92-MC220-001
- Qty Cat. No. Description Unit Price Price
- --- -------- ----------------------- ---------- ----------
- ___ ________ _______________________ $_____.___ $_____.___
- ___ ________ _______________________ $_____.___ $_____.___
- ___ ________ _______________________ $_____.___ $_____.___
- ___ ________ _______________________ $_____.___ $_____.___
- ___ ________ _______________________ $_____.___ $_____.___
- ___ ________ _______________________ $_____.___ $_____.___
- ___ ________ _______________________ $_____.___ $_____.___
- ___ ________ _______________________ $_____.___ $_____.___
- Subtotal $_____.___
- Add $6.00 Shipping + handling $_____.___
- (outside North America Add $10.00)
- Subtotal $_____.___
- Canada residents Add GST $_____.___
- Subtotal $_____.___
- Quebec residents Add Provincial Sales Tax $_____.___
- Total U.S. dollars $_____.___
- Payments in Canadian Dollars: Total Can. dollars $_____.___
- Exchange rate ______
- Send your check or money order to: Micept Instruments Inc.
- 377 Julien St.
- Specify disk format: Cap De La Madeleine, PQ
- ___ 5 1/4 or ___ 3 1/2 Canada G8T 6W6
- Name: _______________________________________
- Company: _______________________________________
- Address: _______________________________________
- _______________________________________
- * Prices are in U.S. dollars. We accept only U.S. and Canadian
- funds. All other will be refused. Prices and availability
- are subject to change without notice.
- ACLIST . . . . . . . . . . 9 Invocation . . . . . . . . 2
- Assembler directives . . . 9 Label . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- Binary . . . . . . . . . . 7 Lines per page . . . . . . 4
- Bug reporting procedure . . 24 LIST . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- Character constants . . . . 8 Listing file . . . . . . 3, 4
- Characters per line . . . . 4 LLEN . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- Codes returned to DOS . . . 5 Location counter . . . . . 8
- Command line . . . . . . . 2 Manual . . . . . . . . . . 2
- Comment . . . . . . . . . . 6 Microprocessors . . . . . . 14
- Constants . . . . . . . . . 7 Intel 8044 . . . . . . 14
- Copyright information . . . i Intel 8048 . . . . . . 17
- DB . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Intel 8051/52 . . . . 18
- Decimal . . . . . . . . . . 7 Intel 8080 . . . . . . 22
- Default options . . . . . . 5 Intel 8085 . . . . . . 23
- Directives . . . . . . . . 9 Intel 8096 . . . . . . 23
- ACLIST . . . . . . . . 9 Zilog Z80 . . . . . . 23
- DB . . . . . . . . . . 10 Motorola Hex . . . . . . 3, 5
- DW . . . . . . . . . . 10 NOACLIST . . . . . . . . . 11
- END . . . . . . . . . 10 NOLIST . . . . . . . . . . 11
- EQU . . . . . . . . . 10 Numeric constants . . . . . 7
- LIST . . . . . . . . . 10 Object
- LLEN . . . . . . . . . 11 code . . . . . . . . . 3
- NOACLIST . . . . . . . 11 code format . . . . . 5
- NOLIST . . . . . . . . 11 file . . . . . . . . . 3
- ORG . . . . . . . . . 11 file record size . . . 4
- PAGE . . . . . . . . . 11 Octal . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- PLEN . . . . . . . . . 12 Opcode . . . . . . . . . . 6
- REDEF . . . . . . . . 12 Operand . . . . . . . . . . 6
- RSB . . . . . . . . . 12 Operators . . . . . . . . . 8
- RSW . . . . . . . . . 12 Options . . . . . . . . . . 3
- SET . . . . . . . . . 12 Order form . . . . . . . . 28
- TITLE . . . . . . . . 13 Ordering information . . . 27
- Disclaimer . . . . . . . . i ORG . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- DW . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- END . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Page length . . . . . . . . 4
- Environment variable . . . 5 PLEN . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- EQU . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Quiet mode . . . . . . . . 4
- Expanded version . . . . . 26 Record size . . . . . . . . 4
- Expressions . . . . . . . 7, 9 REDEF . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- Files . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Registration . . . . . . . 25
- Hexadecimal . . . . . . . . 7 Reserved words . . . . . . 7
- Index . . . . . . . . . . . 29 RSB . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- Installation . . . . . . . 1 RSW . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- Intel 8044 . . . . . . . . 14 SET . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- Intel 8048 . . . . . . . . 17 Site registration . . . . . 25
- Intel 8051/52 . . . . . . . 18 Source line . . . . . . . . 5
- Intel 8080 . . . . . . . . 22 Special sections . . . . . 14
- Intel 8085 . . . . . . . . 23 Symbol table . . . . . . . 4
- Intel 8096 . . . . . . . . 23 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . 7
- Intel Hex . . . . . . . . . 5 System requirements . . . . 1
- Introduction . . . . . . . 1 Table of contents . . . . . ii
- Micept Instruments Inc. - Cross Assemblers (Series I) 30
- TITLE . . . . . . . . . . . 13
- Update policy . . . . . . . 24
- Zilog Z80 . . . . . . . . . 23